Key Organization Ideas
Category : Keys
You use keys for everything, from your front door to your car to each floor of your office building. With such a busy schedule and so many keys floating around, it can be hard to remember which goes into what door, and misplacing one can be disastrous.
To keep your keys straight and ensure you always have the right one at hand, set up your own system for differentiating them while keeping them together for convenience.
So, how can you organize your keys?
Tips for Organizing Keys
Decorate the Keys Yourself
Want an easy way to tell your keys apart and know at a glance which goes where? Color-code and decorate them at home. Assign a shade to each location and memorize them or keep a color legend somewhere you’ll remember to check. Lay your keys out on a paper towel and paint them with nail polish or color them with sharpies. You can also decorate them with letters or symbols to signify their use.
Use Key Caps and Key Rings to Separate and Distinguish Your Keys
If you don’t want to DIY-decorate your office keys or those that aren’t technically your property, you can buy pre-made organizational key caps to slip over your key heads. They’re made of rubber or plastic, come in all shapes and colors and are cheap.
If you have so many keys that they’re hard to handle, try organizing them on different rings on your keychain depending on their use. For example, keep your office keys on one ring, your house keys on another and the keys to your cars on a third. Breaking them into sections will help you distinguish them more easily than having one big cluster.
Try a Key Organizer
To optimize your organization, buy a premade key organizer to give you professional-grade control over where you keep your keys.
Trust Ernie’s Lock and Key
Your new system should keep all your keys easily accessible and accounted-for, but if you ever misplace a key, Ernie’s is here to help! Servicing lock and key needs in Maryland and Metro D.C. since 1960, we’re your best choice for key-cutting and other essentials. Contact us today!